Supplies Needed: 
  • 20 Mason Jar Lids. (I found mine at Festival Foods)
  • Twine or Orange Yarn to tie the lids together.
  • 1 Orange Can of Spray Paint. (I bought mine at Hobby Lobby)
  • Scissors to cut the twine or yarn.
  • 4 inch Cinnamon Sticks for the stem.

In a well-ventilated area, preferable outside (on a day that is not windy or rainy) -- lay out newspaper and spread the mason jar bands on top of the paper. Make sure they're several inches apart. After spray painting, allow to dry 3 to 4 hours. 

After the 3 or 4 hours, flip the mason jar bands and spray other side. Again, let dry for another 3-4 hours. Do each step one more time for a total of 4 rounds of spray paint.

Once lids are completely dry, string together the mason jar bands on the twine or yarn, whichever you prefer. As it is not shown in the photo above, make sure all bands are facing the same direction. This is very important so your pumpkin fans out nicely. 

Once the piece of twine or yarn is through the bands -- pull as tight as you can. During this step, it may help to have a partner helping you with this. Once pulled tight, tie a double knot and cut off any excess string. 
After you have it tied, it should just be a matter of gently separating the lids so they are spaced evenly and they are the way you want them to look. 
Lastly -- pop in a few cinnamon sticks in the middle of your pumpkin for the stem. You should use about 5 or 6 cinnamon sticks per pumpkin, it just depends how thick the sticks are and VOILA!

Enjoy your Mason Jar Lid Pumpkin! :)


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